Thursday, September 2, 2021

More than Beautiful Colors


I originally posted this on one of Facebook stamp groups to which I belong. My only words were what lovely colors.  I had not researched the stamp and really had no intentions to.  Another gentleman responded asking what is lovely about those stamps, that they are a Nazi stamp.   I responded, "the colors", and moved on.

Yesterday, weeks later, I awaken from an afternoon snooze (#retirement life) and the First Lady and Director of Research had picked this stamp ou
t to study.  

This is a 1936 issue to publicize the sixth congress of municipalities in what was then, Nazi Germany.  Try as we may, we could get no detail of  the sixth congress other than  it took place 6/7-6/13 in 1936 in  both Berlin and Munich.  I wonder what they served for lunch.  Can you imagine the titles of the "breakout sessions?"  

The stamp depicts a woman caring for  kids.   Hitler was very clear about the role of women in Nazi Germany.  Women were to be home and caring for the  home and children while  the men worked.  We are less than 100 years beyond those times and yet, the world is smaller than ever and political divide seems wider than ever.  There is a lot going on in this world of ours but let us never forget that it could be worse.....1936 Nazi Germany worse.