As Ned Martin was inclined to say, "Mercy!" Raise your hand if you know that Ned Martin was a radio announcer for Red Sox games, certainly on radio and with Curt Gowdy, in the earliest days of baseball on television....ah, but I digress. I could write chapters, many chapters about the nurses I know and have known.
Nurses....Similarly to my blog about Pittsburg and the seemingly interwoven and random connections to that city....and of course yes, I know a Nurse who was born and raised in Pittsburg......nurses are just all over my life. My sister is a nurse.....Mass General School of Nursing from back in the day. Her friends that came to Pittsburg---and one who comes to our annual family Christmas party .. .all nurses.
Before going further, a bit about the stamp. One thing about stamps, there is a stamp honoring just about anything and everybody. Many are deserving. Nurses certainly are. This stamp is from 1961 depicting what I have learned. (I love google and computers.) is the candle lighting, an integral part of the ceremony of nurses being pinned. The nurses I know always spoke more reverently of their licenses than their pins..lots of stories in that line....but I digress. This particular stamp is a plate block, mint condition....with no inherent value above the four cents worth of postage. It is advertised for $4.50 on ebay...which means it might sell for either 16 cents or $4.50. Nice hat eh? No nurses that took care of me or that I managed ever wore that....but the stamp is 52 years old and stamps are all about history.
Spent a night with a team of nurses this week in Needham...but this is not about that...except that i enjoyed the professional talent of nurses on the job in various places, shifts and responsibilities throughout the day, pre and post op. This of course being the routine for nurses and patients everywhere, everyday, 24/7 delivering the hands on to get you through what it is you need getting through.
I have managed nurses..hired nurses, fired nurses, been frustrated by nurses, been enthralled by nurses and generally, challenged to my core of management experience by nurses. I have worked with nurses who delivered heroic, unbelievably competent work performances daily. I dealt with a few evil, incompetent nurses. My career in management of assisted living residences was dependent daily on nurses just doin' their damn thing. The excellence of nurses supported my career and hence, my family in a huge way, and for that, I will always be indebted. However, in addition to delivering comfort to the elderly and their families, my nurses all had to be managers of people, and staffing for 24/7 and on-call. Oh, how many conversations were had on those subjects. Sessions or psychotherapy as we senior execs referred to those hours of chatter.
Of course, you will never hear me generalize but nurses by and large are outspoken...a kind way of saying whiny and bitchy, not that that is necessarily a bad thing. I am sure I have been called much worse. One of my bosses from years ago who was not a nurse, actually she was social worker and an incredibly talented business leader. In my presence, she never said anything that wasn't intelligent and never said anything controversial, but was heard by me to say, "Nurses eat their young." That quote sits proudly among a few of mine on a memorial t-shirt gift from the staff of the greatest assisted living residence anywhere.
Nurses take care of my mother now in that aforementioned greatest assisted living residence. My sister received loving nursing care at the time in her life when it was most needed. My friend Charlie back about 40 years ago when men like me were young, said about nurses, "I like dating nurses. They are good with their hands and not afraid of the body." Charlie being Charlie. The nurse I dated...well not such a fond memory.
For all the bitchin', nursing is a great, honorable and I think pretty damn lucrative and respected profession. I had a few nurses negotiate me to salary numbers my then bosses were aghast at. But they were getting the same thing on their nursing home and hospital side of the business. Jobs used to be more plentiful, and there was a time a good nurse could go anywhere she/he wanted and work any shift and earn a damn good living. No foul there. Hospitals, nursing homes, assisted livings, doctors offices, schools......nurses are everywhere. Bitchin' everywhere.........sorta just kidding to you nurse readers whoever you are.
So serious kudos to the nurse profession and those in it. You make the world a better, more tolerable, more honorable place........You deserve all you get and more...thank you for just zip it. (kidding on the zip it part.....actually, no I'm not.)