Friday, June 25, 2021

This stamp is roughly 154 years old---or not

The real question here is this real or a forgery/fake.   This stamp has a history and not all of it clean.  

Issued in 1867, this stamp was a regular 10 centisimo value  by the Franco Bollo Postale, which I  believe to be a Vatican address.   The stamp depicts the Coat of Arms.  Research noted the color to be naranga, which I have further  learned to be a Spanish word, adjective and noun, but as an adjective, its best described as orange.  This stamp is without perforations, hence imperforate.  By my fast (and old-fashioned) math, I calculate the stamp to be 154 years old.....more than twice as old as I (but actually not that that much so).  I should look so clean, nifty and bright at that age.

Is it real?  I don't know and I am not sure its value is that overwhelming if it is.  This another of a small group of stamps I will set aside as a small collection to have an auction contact assess.   In actuality, I will do that and there that stamp will live till forever more......until someone else puts their hand and eyes on it.

Long may we ---and this lovely stamp , (maybe, probably a forgery) live.


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